Dec 2011 - Addisyn, Jake & Joseph

Monday, November 22, 2010

9 months & counting

Well the twins first Thanksgiving is right around the corner & I'm super excited to spend the day as a "family" something that I wished & hoped for a looooong time.  I'm heading over to my parents to make dinner b/c my mom had the knee replacement & cannot cook it this year :-( I only hope I can make it as good as her, but of course she will definitely be there to supervise, LOL! 

I have to start thinking of what I'm going to do for the twins Christmas pictures.  I want to make them my Christmas cards but I am trying to decided where & when & what I'm going to use for the back ground.  Ugh, idea's would be apprecative...

So Joey is showing signs of wanting to walk.  He can stand for several seconds on his own & he's taken a step toward me.  Just this morning he was trying to stand on his own w/o holding onto anything.  It's time to start working w/ Addi so she's right behind her brother (if not ahead of him).  I'm sorta excited to get them walking but I also don't want them to start b/c it's going to get crazy & that also means their growing up :-(. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My favorite place

I absolutely love when the twins both fall asleep on me at the same time.  I know I won't be able to hold them both in a year or two, so I try to enjoy it as much as I can now.  It usually only happens on the weekends when I'm home in the AM time. 

Just precious.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Weight issues

So I finally broke down & called my doctor.  I need answers as to why I'm so completely exhausted all the time when I average 8-9 hours of sleep a night & why I haven't lost not a single pound in 7-8 months.  I've changed my diet & went to the gym & tried everything & I cannot lose anything. 

I understand I do have 9 month old twins, but this exhaustion is not b/c of that.  I had more energy when I was pregnant!!  I shouldn't be exhausted and ready to fall asleep at 8pm after the kids go to bed.  I am so tired at work.  It cannot be them at least during the week days b/c I get up at 6am & the twins don't get up till almost 7am & I go to work & get home around 5:30pm & then I spend my night just playing w/ them until bed time & I'm exhausted. 

Anyways, I'm hoping to find answers or given solutions on a jump start of losing weight.  I'm sick of looking the way I do & I want to get out of my matirinty clothing already.  The twins will be walking soon & I need the energy to keep up w/ them.  I don't want to be the mom who just sits & watchs her kids b/c I'm to "fat" to play w/ them.   I'm also sick of not wanting to go out w/ people b/c of the way I look & not wanting to go anywhere b/c I don't have the energy. 

Well my appt is next Tuesday!!  We'll see what happens.

Monday, November 15, 2010


I know its been said before but the weekends come & go way to fast.  I hate Monday morning especailly when it's a pay close, meaning I've got payroll to do. 

Weekend was ok, nothing exciting to report.  I didn't get my much needed cleaning done.  I am usually a clean freak & since the twins were born I haven't cleaned my house from top to bottom (including all 3 bathrooms) like I use to.  It's driving me crazy.  In order to do this I need someone to take the twins for several hours so I can do in uninterrupted.  I was able to organized the twins bed rooms & box up the clothes they don't fit into & pull out the ones they do & I actually feel better that I could do that. 

DH has annoyed the heck out of me.  I bust my ass all weekend, every weekend & he really doesn't do much in return.  This is how my weekend went starting from Friday after work.  Came home fed the twins & tried to eat my dinner & then gave twins a bath & then played w/ them & then put them to bed.  DH ~ ate, watched TV, helped undress the twins for bath & then sat on lap top w/ a beer in hand the rest of the night. 

Saturday - 6:45 I got up w/ the twins, changed fed  & played w/ them.  DH finally got up & we went to breakfast.  Then DH went to get haircut as I stayed at home w/ the twins & then we all went to Lowes for supplies & then off to Firestone for an oil/tire rotation on both cars.  While at Firestone I fed & played w/ the twins while he stood outside watching them.  Got home & I put them down for a nap & then DH was meeting friends at a Flyers for lunch, but he did take Joey w/ him b/c he woke up early from nap.  Once Addi got up we headed up there for lunch & a beer or two.  Get to Flyers & I again feed the twins dinner & play w/ them.  They were getting fussy so I took them home & played w/ them until bed time.  DH got home after they were in bed & went right on the lap top playing cards w/ a beer. 

Sunday - I made DH get up w/ the twins at 7am while I layed in bed for another hour.  Then I got up & played w/ the twins & fed them breakfast as DH went back to bed until 12pm (when I told him I need help) I had stuff to get done.  I made lunch for the twins & DH & fed them & then cleaned that up then DH put them down for a nap while I was in Addi's room boxing/unboxing clothes. Then I started their 2 loads of laundry & had to run to BRU for wipes & then stopped to pick DH up something from McDonalds.  Then when I got back Joey was up so I went & sorted thru his clothes & finally got a shower in.  Addi got up & I fed/changed her then I did our 4 loads of laundry & made dinner & then fed the twins & had to clean up.  Then it was bath time again & DH helped undress them & then I gave them a bath & dressed them & made their night bottles & then played w/ them.  Then I put them to bed. During this hole time DH watched football & didn't help me clean a thing & you wonder while I don't have time to clean my house the way I want. 

Anyways, I had to vent b/c I was pretty upset about this.  This seems to be every weekend my DH is lazy and it drives me crazy....

Friday, November 12, 2010


I went out last night to GNC & picked up some Max Protien for my breakfast/lunch meal replacement smoothies.  Today I made Sweet Veggie Smoothie & it wasn't as bad as I expected, but it did hold my hunger off.  I actually didn't start getting hungry until around 11:15am.  So far so good.  I have gotten other smoothie recipes off of here & cannot wait to try some more. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today's a new day!!

So nothing really new to report w/ the twins they are doing great.  My mom went in for a knee replacement surgery on Monday 11/8/10 & she's doing great.  I'm going to take my nephew & Joey to visit her tonight.  I sat w/ my father on Monday during her surgery & it was nice to spend some qualitity time w/ him.  This weekend we're going to "try" to paint the ceilings (something my DH was suppose to do before the twins) & get some projects done around the house before winter comes.  My sister is coming home to visit next week & I cannot wait.  Then it'll be Thanksgiving & my DH & I & friends are going to Columbus for the Ohio State-Michigan game.  This will be awesome, but I'm alittle nervous about leaving the twins for two days.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

OMG, it's November

I cannot believe it's already November and on the 5th the twins will be 9 months, OMG where did the time go.  On 11/4 they will go for the well check up. So nothing really to report new. 

Halloween has come & gone & since mom was lazy & never went out to get a costume they ended up with Joey a Pea in a Pod & Addi a pumpkin (pic below). We took them over to my parents house & went around the cal-de-sac w/ them & my 6 year old nephew.  We only took them up to two houses & gave the candy to Nate (nephew).  It was a good night.